Mars Kit
Everything in Sky, Cloud, Sun, and Moon
Mars Kit -
Netherite Helmet: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Respiration 3, Aqua Affinity, Mending
Netherite Chestplate: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Mending
Netherite Leggings: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Swift Sneak 3, Mending
Netherite Boots: Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending
Netherite Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3, Fire Aspect 2, Sweeping Edge 3, Mending
Netherite Pickaxe: Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, Mending
Netherite Axe: Efficiency 5, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3, Mending
Bow: Power 5, Punch 4, Unbreaking 3, Flame, Infinity, Mending
64 Golden Carrot
12 Golden Apples Mending
/heal - Able to heal yourself to full (With a cooldown).
/skull - Get a player's skull.
/fly - Fly around the map.
/claimkeys - 1 Mars Crate Key (every 24 hrs)